
Book Design Your Garden Tool Kit

I didn't really plan this combo, but love how the heuchera leaves make the astrantia flowers stand out! #heuchera #astrantia #pink

I didn't really plan this combo, but love how the heuchera leaves make the astrantia flowers stand out! #heuchera #astrantia #pink

Dino garden. #itssupposedtobefun #dinosaursofinstagram #gardenfun #expecttheunexpected #lemonthyme

Dino garden. #itssupposedtobefun #dinosaursofinstagram #gardenfun #expecttheunexpected #lemonthyme

Rose Campion might be the most shocking color to star in my garden. Though the tradescantia is probably a tie. Wowzers! #lychniscoronaria #shockingpink #neon #rosecampion

Rose Campion might be the most shocking color to star in my garden. Though the tradescantia is probably a tie. Wowzers! #lychniscoronaria #shockingpink #neon #rosecampion

Ninebarks bloom so gorgeously. #ninebark #physocarpus

Ninebarks bloom so gorgeously. #ninebark #physocarpus

Oh how I love maidenhair ferns. #adiantum #maidenhairfern #shadegarden #fantasticfoliage

Oh how I love maidenhair ferns. #adiantum #maidenhairfern #shadegarden #fantasticfoliage

I can't wait for this container to shine. Doesn't look like much now, but I'm hoping it will be amazing. #bishopschildrendahlias #goldencreepingjenny #ornamentalmillet #golfball

I can't wait for this container to shine. Doesn't look like much now, but I'm hoping it will be amazing. #bishopschildrendahlias #goldencreepingjenny #ornamentalmillet #golfball

'Spring Blush' peas blooming! Can't wait for the pods. #peas #peasplease #prettyveggies #springblush

'Spring Blush' peas blooming! Can't wait for the pods. #peas #peasplease #prettyveggies #springblush

Our garden buddy. She walks through the seedlings without a care, gobbles up anything remotely edible, and chases the squirrels at full blast with no hope of ever catching them. Then she stops for a moment to just sit and sniff the breeze. She's irresistible. #daisyisagoodgirl #puppylove #ratterrierbeaglemix #snugglypuppy #alwayssearchingforbunnies #canieatthat #imgonnaeatthat #isitdinnertime #icoulduseacookie #pleeeeeease #imhungry

Our garden buddy. She walks through the seedlings without a care, gobbles up anything remotely edible, and chases the squirrels at full blast with no hope of ever catching them. Then she stops for a moment to just sit and sniff the breeze. She's irresistible. #daisyisagoodgirl #puppylove #ratterrierbeaglemix #snugglypuppy #alwayssearchingforbunnies #canieatthat #imgonnaeatthat #isitdinnertime #icoulduseacookie #pleeeeeease #imhungry

@opus_curiosus has been doing some landscaping down by the river! These stone steps into the water are the first stage of our kayak launching area. Without them you sink up to your knees in mud. #riverlife #kayaking #boatlaunch #housatonicriver #stonework #hessohandy

@opus_curiosus has been doing some landscaping down by the river! These stone steps into the water are the first stage of our kayak launching area. Without them you sink up to your knees in mud. #riverlife #kayaking #boatlaunch #housatonicriver #stonework #hessohandy

Mystery irises in the island bed. Have no idea where I got them or when I planted them. It's all a blur. #iguessilikeirises #iris #geranium #miscanthus #thalictrum

Mystery irises in the island bed. Have no idea where I got them or when I planted them. It's all a blur. #iguessilikeirises #iris #geranium #miscanthus #thalictrum

Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' starting to bloom. It really is this fabulously blinding. And you'd think you'd hate that, but it goes with EVERYTHING. #tradescantia #sweetkate #neonyellow #flourescent #royalblue #burnyourretinas #intense

Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' starting to bloom. It really is this fabulously blinding. And you'd think you'd hate that, but it goes with EVERYTHING. #tradescantia #sweetkate #neonyellow #flourescent #royalblue #burnyourretinas #intense

Under the maple tree. #japanesemaple #columbine #aquilegia #getanium #epimedium

What's better than mulch? Nothing, that's what. @opus_curiosus kicked ass yesterday and spread most of the #sweetpeet. Good stuff, I tell ya. It makes everything look better, and has done wonders for our sandy soil over the years. #mulchmakeseverythingbetter #sweetpeet #wortheverypenny #mulch @sweetpeetorganicmulch

What's better than mulch? Nothing, that's what. @opus_curiosus kicked ass yesterday and spread most of the #sweetpeet. Good stuff, I tell ya. It makes everything look better, and has done wonders for our sandy soil over the years. #mulchmakeseverythingbetter #sweetpeet #wortheverypenny #mulch @sweetpeetorganicmulch

Who needs flowers? Ok sometimes I do. But this little corner makes me very happy without them. #foliagefirst #clumpingbamboo #heuchera #epimedium #boxwood #ostrichfern #goatsbeard #andweedsofcourse #mirrorsingardens

Who needs flowers? Ok sometimes I do. But this little corner makes me very happy without them. #foliagefirst #clumpingbamboo #heuchera #epimedium #boxwood #ostrichfern #goatsbeard #andweedsofcourse #mirrorsingardens

Late last night, out to let the dog pee...the Dutchman's pipe froze in its tracks...I'd caught it trying to take over the world. #aristolochia #dutchmanspipe #bentonworlddomination #reachingout

Late last night, out to let the dog pee...the Dutchman's pipe froze in its tracks...I'd caught it trying to take over the world. #aristolochia #dutchmanspipe #bentonworlddomination #reachingout

Got down in the 30s last night, so before we went to bed we built a sea of bedsheets and tarps and overturned buckets. Everything seems to have muscled through! Whew. #frostscare #tenderlittleplants #nailbiter #itseffinglatemay #gimmeabreak #coldestspringever

Got down in the 30s last night, so before we went to bed we built a sea of bedsheets and tarps and overturned buckets. Everything seems to have muscled through! Whew. #frostscare #tenderlittleplants #nailbiter #itseffinglatemay #gimmeabreak #coldestspringever

Under the baby Japanese maple. #sweetwoodruff #epimedium #solomonsseal #polygonatum #japanesemaple #weedsofcourse

Under the baby Japanese maple. #sweetwoodruff #epimedium #solomonsseal #polygonatum #japanesemaple #weedsofcourse

Tulip 'Black Hero'. I cut these DAYS AGO and they still look brand new. They last forever. And they're ridiculously beautiful. This is one of my absolute faves, and that's something, considering that I stare at Tulip photos all day. #tulip #tulips #blackhero #cutflowers

Tulip 'Black Hero'. I cut these DAYS AGO and they still look brand new. They last forever. And they're ridiculously beautiful. This is one of my absolute faves, and that's something, considering that I stare at Tulip photos all day. #tulip #tulips #blackhero #cutflowers

I jammed my monster Sedum sieboldii into the ground last fall after I took it out of the red ceramic pot it was in all summer, not expecting much, and forgot all about it. Rediscovered it as it was waking up this spring, and now it has a new summer home! I love this plant. #sedumsieboldii #hardysucculents #containergarden

I jammed my monster Sedum sieboldii into the ground last fall after I took it out of the red ceramic pot it was in all summer, not expecting much, and forgot all about it. Rediscovered it as it was waking up this spring, and now it has a new summer home! I love this plant. #sedumsieboldii #hardysucculents #containergarden

Book Design Your Garden Tool Kit


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